Opening Hours - 7:00AM - 5:00PM (Mon-Fri)

Estate Planning

Plan Ahead With Our Estate Planning Lawyers

We have heard the phrase people do not plan to fail but they fail to plan. We spend our lives working hard so our loved ones can have a secure future. But in the event of death or disability, the lack of planning can shatter the love and bond in a family, as siblings and external family members use an unfortunate situation for personal benefit. Attorney James F. Epo is here to help you plan for the future of your loved ones in the event of death or disability in order to eliminate any confusion. The lack of such planning, generally results in confusion and disarray for those left behind. Attorney James Epo works with small business owners as they plan for the future of their business and family. He assists them with business succession planning to ensure that their business, family and loved ones are provided for in the event of death or disability. Our law firm provides full-service estate planning services which includes:

  • Asset Protection
  • Business Succession Planning
  • Charitable Planning
  • Creating Business Entities to Manage Assets
  • Estate Plans
  • Estate Plans for Non-U.S. Citizens
  • Health Care Powers of Attorney
  • Living Wills
  • Powers of Attorney for Property
  • Tax Evaluation & Planning
  • Trust Agreements
  • Wills

Contact The Law Office Of James F. Epo in Houston, Texas and Cameroon, Africa Today

Getting the legal help you need is right at your fingertips. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We will discuss your case, explain your options, and help you determine your next best steps.